
News & Events

Migrant Workers Day Festival 2023

Welcome to celebrate Migrant Worker Day Festival 2023 on Sunday, July 09, 2023 from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm at Seacliff Park Amphitheatre in Leamington, ON. Migrant Workers will have the opportunity to reconnect with their culture. We will have 7 honorable dignitaries during the opening ceremony, 20 guest agencies will provide information and giveaways,

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Migrant Workers Day Festival

Welcome to celebrate the “Migrant Workers Day Festival” on June 26, 2022 from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm at Seacliff Park Amphitheatre.

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Mayor’s Recognition Award – Distinguished Volunteer Service to C.A.R.E. for International Workers 🏆

On December 7, 2021, the Municipality of Leamington conferred the 2021 Mayor’s Recognition Award for Distinguished Volunteer Service to C.A.R.E. for International Workers, a program created and led by WEBLC since 2017. Award was received by Francy Munoz, lead of the program at the Clinic – (minute 5:34) video link: At the top of the picture,

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Windsor-Essex Bilingual Legal Clinic has received funding from the United Church of Canada KAIROS to work on a project to support and to assist temporary foreign workers in Windsor-Essex County during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Government of Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program has provided $2.18 million in funding to KAIROS Canada to support and help empower temporary foreign workers during the #COVID pandemic. #EmpoweringTemporaryForeignWorkers #MigrantWorkersRights

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Un service de médiation bilingue voit le jour à Windsor

Le programme Médiation communautaire Windsor-Essex offrira dorénavant un service gratuit pour les personnes qui souhaitent résoudre des conflits ou des désaccords sans avoir à se tourner vers les tribunaux.

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Un nouveau service de médiation communautaire est lancé à Windsor-Essex

Le collège St. Clair, la Clinique juridique bilingue Windsor-Essex et Services à la famille Windsor-Essex ont procédé au lancement d’un nouveau service le 29 octobre dernier, soit Médiation communautaire Windsor-Essex. Médiation communautaire Windsor-Essex (MCWE) est un service gratuit qui est offert aux individus et aux familles afin qu’ils puissent résoudre leurs conflits ou désaccords.

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